Why inject Medication

Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injection Technique

Why Injections?

Whilst the gastrointestinal tract is the ideal route for most medications it has some distinct disadvantages including; slow variable absorption and the ability to inactivate (digest) some medications.

Advantages of administration by injection include:

Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injection Technique for:

  • Rapid action
  • Drug may not be available in oral form
  • Patient is ‘nil by mouth’
  • Some drugs are destroyed by the digestive processes in the stomach, e.g. insulin
  • Able to administer long acting (depot) medications for maintenance therapy, e.g. contraception (Depo-provera) and antipsychotics (Modecate)
  • Selecting drug route helps to optimise therapy (i.e. able to control absorption rates)


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