Franchise Opportunity

Waiting lists and waiting times for GP and hospital investigations are getting longer in the UK.

Would you like to offer private healthcare in your local community?

Have you got a current Aesthetic or Holistic business and would like to use your nursing skills more often and offer more services, but don’t want the hassle of another website, paperwork or marketing?

This opportunity may be for you

All equipment and disposables are provided for your first 10 patients with useable online forms and templates.

Packages from £1500

  • Blood Pressure Machine
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Peak Flow Tool
  • Multi Function Monitoring System
  • ECG Machine
  • Blood Type Single Use Tests
  • Anaemia Testing kits
  • Vitamin D Testing Kits
  • Urine Testing Kits

User Handbooks

For more information contact us.